Anyone who has ever had a breeder tank knows that one of the most important aspects of care for fry is the fry fish food. The reason that the food is so important is because the fry are very small and as a result cannot eat the food that their parents have been eating. This usually requires a special type of food or processing of food to enable the juvenile fish to be able to thrive.
Ground flake can provide a substitute for more expensive or more time consuming foods. This is really only an option if you didn’t realize your fish were breading in the tank and notice suddenly that you have fry (and feel the need to feed them immediately). They also make ground powders that consist of a variety of flake based foods to feed. The primary problem with this type of fry food is that it can quickly pollute a tank. These foods may be only a temporary solution while other forms of food are found.

Two very popular options for fry fish food are of the home made variety. The first is egg yolk and the second food is green water. The easiest and quickest of the two will be the egg yolk. Taking an egg that has been hard boiled peel the egg and the white until there is only yolk left. Then a cloth is taken around the yolk to enclose it and spun around until the yolk begins to poke through the cloth. This is suspended in the tank and replaced every 2-3 days. Green water is easily made with old tap water and a sample of algae from your tank. This is set in the window with a few drops of plant fertilizer for a couple of days until it is ready to feed the fish. The easiest way to deliver green water to fry is with an eyedropper.
Infusoria is a cloud of tiny organisms that is used for the feeding of fry. Infusoria can be grown in the home or can be purchased at a store that specializes in fish. If you choose to grow your own infusoria make sure that you start with unchlorinated water. Chlorine will kill all of the bacteria needed to form the mass of infusoria. Fill a jug with lid about ¾ full of water and place a few leaves of lettuce inside. After a day place the lid on and wait about 1 week this should provide you with plenty of fry fish food.
The best results are usually seen when feeding fry fish live foods. Newly hatched brine shrimp are a great way to give your fry a live variety while ensuring that they are small enough for the fry to eat. Another great live food option for fry are microworms. Microworms must be cultured so it is best to begin this before the fry are hatched or born. Purchase a microworm culture from the pet store and put a thin layer of oatmeal soaked in water on the bottom of a plastic container that has a lid. Place a small amount of the microworm starter inside the container and place the lid on. Poke a few holes in the lid to let a small amount of air in and in a few days you will have enough microworms to last the fry in your tank weeks.
Fry like other fish should not be over fed. No matter which option you choose to feed your fry make sure it is enough to be eaten within 1-2 days so that you do not create a problem in your tank. You do not want the tank to be overtaken by brine shrimp, microworms, infusoria or algae. All fry fish food can have an effect on the tank so ensure you use them wisely.
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